Kimberley Process News

Meeting Ad Hoc Committee on KPCS Review in Brussels| Kimberley Process

Written by Admin | Jul 27, 2013

On April 23-24, 2012, the Ad Hoc Committee on KPCS Review (CKR) met in Brussels to discuss the process of preparing recommendations for the KPCS Intersessional, based on the mandate given to the CKR through the administrative decisions adopted in Kinshasa on November 3rd 2011, namely: AD 005-2011 Amendment to Administrative Decision on the Establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee for Exploring the Modalities of Enhancing of the Kimberley Process with a View to Provide Administrative Support for Its Activities and AD 006-2011 Administrative Decision on the Periodic Review of the KPCS. Members of the CKR are Botswana (Chair), Canada (Vice-Chair), the DRC, the EU, India, Israel, Namibia, the Russian Federation (not present), South Africa, the USA, the WDC and the Civil Society Coalition. Angola, Ghana, Switzerland, and the UAE were guests at the Brussels meeting.