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Press releases on behalf of the Civil Society Coalition following the Kimberley Process Intersessional meeting, Mumbai, India

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This week saw the end of the 2019 intersessional meeting of the Kimberley Process (KP) chaired by India. The week-long conference was the scene of discussions among delegates on the possibility of expanding the Kimberley Process’ scope to ensure that the scheme addresses modern day conceptions of what consumer see to be “blood diamonds”.

In his closing speech to delegates in Mumbai, Shamiso Mtisi, coordinator of the KP civil society coalition, commended the keen efforts of the EU Chair to progress debate on the expansion of the KP’s scope in the sub-team on that issue. Numerous Participants and Observers, he highlighted, had contributed ideas, concerns and expectations for expanding the mechanism’s scope. This, it was hoped, might ground an emerging consensus on the need for the KP to adapt to the evolving nature of conflicts affecting diamonds.

Read more in the press releases of 14 June 2019.

More information:

Shamiso Mtisi, KP Civil Society Coalition coordinator (ZELA), +263 7 742 169 56
Hans Merket, KP Civil Society Coalition delegate in Mumbai (IPIS), +32 474 34 20 14




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