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Civil Society Coalition

Civil Society Coalition Partners

Green Advocates, Liberia

Groupe d'Appui aux Exploitants des Ressources Naturelles (GAERN), DR Congo

Groupe de Recherche et de Plaidoyer sur les Industries Extractives (GRPIE), Côte d'ivoire

Centre Centreafricain de Recherche et d’Analyse Géopolitique (CCRAG) (Associate member), Central African Republic

March, 2019: The African Mining Vision (AMV) Mineral Governance Framework was recently adopted by the African Union to help African states in assessing the implementation of the AMV with respect to revenue management laws and practices, transparency and accountability measures, environmental management, social and human rights impacts of mining among other aspects.

These African level policy documents equally apply to the diamond mining sector and are supposed to be implemented by African states. Essentially the AMV Mineral Governance Framework and the AMV itself illustrate how the African Union views the respect of human rights, environmental rights and labour rights in the mining sector (including the diamond mining sector) as important elements.