Working Groups
Working Group of Monitoring (WGM)
The Kimberley Process Working Group on Monitoring (WGM) deals with issues relating to the implementation of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme by participants, with a view to promoting full and effective implementation by all participants.
The WGM is responsible for the peer-review mechanism, organizes review visits in participating countries and conducts an assessment of the participants' annual reports. In addition, it has to deal with crises relating to difficulties of implementation in specific countries that might endanger the integrity of the Kimberley Process.
For submitting information to the Chair of Working Group on Monitoring, contact (..)

Chair | South Africa |
Vice-Chair | the European Union |
Members | Angola, Australia, Botswana Cameroon, Canada, the Central African Republic (CAR), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the European Union (EU), Ghana, India, Israel, Lesotho, the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), The United Kingdom, the United States of America (USA), Zimbabwe |
Provisional members | Armenia, Mozambique, Qatar, Sierra Leonne |
Observers | the African Diamonds Producers Association (ADPA), World Diamond Council (WDC), Civil Society Coalition (CSC) and the Diamond Development Initiative (DDI) |
2019 | Botswana takes over the Chairmanship of the WGM, the European Union becomes Vice-Chair |
2018 | Lesotho was accepted as full member after one year as provisional member |
2017 | South Africa takes over the Chairmanship of the WGM |
2016 | Diamond Development Initiative (DDI) was accepted as full member after one year as provisional member |
2015 | Angola, Cameroon and the African Diamonds Producers' Association (ADPA) joined the WGM |
2012 | Zimbabwe joined the WGM |
2011 | Ghana joined |
2009 | Australia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) joined |
2008 | Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Botswana joined |
2007 | The People's Republic of China joined |
2004 | The Central African Republic (CAR) and India joined |
2003 | Established: Canada, the European Union (EU), Israel, the Russian Federation, South Africa, the United States of America (USA), the World Diamond Council (WDC), Global Witness and Partnership Africa Canada |
Public Summaries
Public Summary record of Working Group Teleconference of 6 March 2013
Participants: Australia, Canada, DRC, European Union, India, Partnership Africa Canada, Russia, South Africa, UEA, United States of America and the World Diamond Council.
Public Summary record of Working Group Teleconference of 30 January 2013
Participants: Australia, Canada, DRC, European Union, India, Partnership Africa Canada, Russia, South Africa, UEA, United States of America and the World Diamond Council.
Public Summary record of Working Group Teleconference of 29 May 2012
Participants: Botswana, Canada, China, DRC, South Africa, United State of America, UAE, Civil Society Coalition, and the World Diamond Council.
This meeting's agenda covered annual reports, peer review visits, the Kinshasa Decision on KPCS implementation in Marange, KPCS implementation in Côte d'Ivoire and other West African nations, enforcement cooperation, and how the WGM might contribute to the work of the ad hoc Committee on KPCS Review (CKR) in relation to compliance monitoring.
Public Summary record of Working Group Teleconference of 18 July 2012
Participants: Australia, Botswana, Canada, China, Ghana, Israel, UAE, , Russia, South Africa, UK, USA , Partnership Africa Canada, and the World Diamond Council.
All but one annual report have been received. The peer review for Lebanon took place in July, while reviews for Canada and Switzerland have been scheduled. Review for the USA, SA, and Namibia are in the process of being finalized for either late 2012 or 2013. Other matters included concern over fraudulent certificates, reporting mechanism for observers, enforcement, and suspicious shipments.